Photo Walls Display Your Pictures And Your Creativity

Sign suspension systems are a popular and effective way to create a photo wall. These systems allow you to easily install and adjust frames, signs, and other objects on a wall, ceiling, or other surface. You can let your imagination run wild! 

In this article, we will outline the steps involved in using a sign suspension system to create a photo wall.

Step 1: Determine the layout of your photo wall

Before you begin installing your sign suspension system, it's important to plan out the layout of your photo wall. Consider the size and shape of the wall, the size and shape of the frames or objects you will be hanging, and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve. You may want to use a ruler or measuring tape to mark out the placement of each frame on the wall.

Step 2: Install the sign suspension system

Next, you will need to install the sign suspension system itself. This usually involves attaching cables or rods to the wall using screws or other mounting hardware. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for specific installation instructions.

Step 3: Attach the frames or objects to the sign suspension system

Once the sign suspension system is installed, you can begin attaching your frames or objects to the cables or rods. This is typically done using mounting clips or other hardware provided by the manufacturer. Be sure to follow the instructions provided and ensure that the frames or objects are securely attached to the sign suspension system.

Step 4: Adjust the placement of the frames or objects

After attaching your frames or objects to the sign suspension system, you can then adjust the placement of each one to achieve the desired layout. This can be done by sliding the frames or objects along the cables or rods, or by adjusting the tension of the cables or rods themselves.

Step 5: Enjoy your newly created picture wall

Once you have your picture wall set up, you can sit back and enjoy your newly created display. 


What Makes A Great Photo Wall?

A great photo wall is like a well-crafted sandwich - it's all about the balance of ingredients. And just like a sandwich, there are a few key things that make a photo wall truly great:

  • Variety is the spice of life: Don't be afraid to mix and match different sizes, shapes, and styles of frames and artwork. A picture wall with a variety of elements will be more visually interesting and dynamic than one with a uniform look.
  • Go for the unexpected: A picture wall doesn't have to be all about traditional framed artwork. Think outside the box and consider hanging other objects, such as mirrors, clocks, or even plants.
  • Pay attention to composition: Just like a good photograph, a great picture wall should have a sense of balance and proportion. Consider the overall layout of your wall and make sure the frames and objects are evenly spaced and arranged in a way that looks cohesive.
  • Make it personal: A picture wall should reflect your own personal style and interests. Don't be afraid to hang things that are meaningful to you, whether it's family photos, vintage posters, or your favorite album cover.

Sign suspension systems allow you to easily change out and rearrange frames or objects as needed, making it easy to update and refresh your display. Using a sign suspension system is a simple and effective way to create a professional and visually appealing picture wall. 

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily install and adjust your sign suspension system to display your artwork and frames in any layout you desire! When you are ready to get started, contact us for help choosing a system that perfectly compliments your photo wall vision.