Not everyone owns a museum or an art gallery. Some people just have a nice picture or a piece of art that they would like to hang in their office or home. 

But that doesn't mean that you have to settle for less. You still want it to look nice and perform well.  You still want to be able to admire it with ease and without worry. 

For this reason, we have compiled the best picture hanging system options for the everyday user. 

All the office and home picture systems consist of a rail, hanger, and hook. With a great variety to choose from, you will be able to hang just about anything you want in your office or even in your own home. 


The rail is what the hanger will connect to and is available in two main options. One is the ceiling-mounted Slim-Line version and the other is the wall-mounted Click Track. Both options come in a variety of colors to match your preferences.

Ceiling Mounted

This is the least visible version for people that want a seamless look with a modern atmosphere. The ceiling-mounted option comes with pre-drilled holes making it exceptionally easy to install. 

Wall Mounted

This version relies on fastening clips that are hidden behind the rail to ensure maximum aesthetic appeal. Not everyone has a ceiling that they can attach to so the click track offers an ideal alternative.  


Your hanger can be either a cable or a rod. They each perform a specific purpose but most people go with the cable option.


Strong yet subtle, the cable option is sturdy yet does not draw too much attention to itself. With the selection of clear nylon or stainless steel, it suits most modern environments. A Ball-end cable can slide along the rail making it's positioning flexible or a Cobra cable can be inserted into the rail and easily removed at any point. 


A heavy-duty option for weighty pictures and items. The Ball-end Rod connects much like the Ball-end cable but can carry a much more hefty load and provides a much bolder visual statement. There are multiple lengths and colors to choose from making this adaptable to the hanging style that you want. 


Your hook is what will attach the hanger directly to the picture. With a wide selection of styles and types designed to connect to either rods or cables, there will be a hook that is ideal for your application. 

These hooks can be placed at your desired height and will be the finishing piece to your perfect hanging system. Though also suitable for a museum or art gallery, they are ideal for your home or office.