Systematic Art tension cable kits are great for projects of all sorts. Ideal for businesses, individual projects, and galleries, out of all the other ways of hanging your photos, art, and decor, tension cable kits are the best out there. There are many great uses and benefits that come with using this kind of system.


Create an Eye-Catching Display

The cables used are thin and self-effacing, allowing for your art or display to get your audience's full attention. Tension cable kits can hang anything from lights to signs from your ceiling to add a sophisticated look to whatever room you're working with.


Simple and Easy Installation

Tension cable installation is beyond simple, although it's still very important to follow directions. You first want to attach the end fittings of the cables to the ceiling or wall. Next, you'll connect the clamps to whatever it is you're wanting to display. Lastly, just attach the clamps to the cable. Make sure the clamps are tight enough to hold your display, but not so tight they damage it.


Durable and Safe For Any Space

At Systematic Art, the safety of our customers is our top priority. So when using tension cable kits, it's important to follow any directions during installation. For the safety of both our customers and their displays, we offer durable synthetic nylon and stainless-steel cables for both lightweight and more sizable projects.


Taking Care of your Cable System

It's super important to take care of the cable system you have in your space if you're wanting it to last years after installation. Firstly, it's good to keep your cables clean and free of any debris that may make its way onto your system. In addition to this, make sure to look over and survey all the cables and clamps for any signs of wear and tear. If you notice some sort of damage, it's important to replace the damaged piece immediately.

Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about our products.