When someone goes to a museum, they expect to see the works of many great artists of the past and some of the great ones who are around today as well. They expect to be in a place where they can enjoy these paintings, sculptures, installations etc. without being disturbed. Art appreciation may not be for everyone but for those who enjoy it, it's really important!

Creating the Right Atmosphere with a Hanging System

A museum hanging system can be of great use because it helps you to create that kind of atmosphere in a museum. It helps you to create a space where the art and only the art is of importance. Whether you choose to create a display of just one large piece on a wall or several smaller pieces grouped together, symmetrically or asymmetrically, you're still putting all the focus on the art itself. The hanging system works in the background, barely visible. It does not detract from the art in any way. It only adds to the atmosphere you're trying to create where the art comes first.

Do You Want Harmony or Disharmony in Your Display?

If you're going to have a successful display, you have to be careful about the pieces you hang together (or close to each other). Hanging pieces that come from different time periods or which are painted in different styles can result in a clash of ideas. Is this the effect that you are going for?

There are times when art exhibits are designed to shock and awe the viewer. The shock value is supposed to bring certain ideas to mind. It is supposed to make the viewer reconsider things that they've taken for granted.

Displays That Make Viewers Question Their Assumptions

Consider, for example, an exhibit with a Rubenesque woman featured in one painting and a woman who fits the current, thinner ideal of beauty in another. Which one is more beautiful? Or are they both beautiful? This is what the viewer is meant to ask.

So don't underplay the value of a museum hanging system as it can help you to create harmonious displays as well as displays which shock and awe the viewer. Contact us for more information about museum hanging systems.