Owning art is both a privilege and a responsibility. Fine art is both a wonderful way to class up your space as well as a great investment for the future, so it's only natural that you would want to ensure it stays in good condition. Obviously, this means you can't (or at least shouldn't) just nail your paintings up against the wall. Not only is this dangerous in that they're easy to knock off, but it's rarely a very attractive way to show off your valuables. For this mission, it's necessary to step up your hanging game and employ a cable display system.

What's a Cable Display System?

As the name implies, a cable display system is a means of displaying art or other items through the use of cables. There are various styles of cable display system from the wall-mounted models to ceiling-mounted models, but all have a cable-based suspension system in common. While specifics will vary between make and model, the basic idea of these systems is to secure a metal rail along the upper part of a wall or a length of ceiling, allowing you to run a series of rods or cables through the rail that hang towards the ground. Along these cables, you'll be able to secure various hooks that will allow you to hang a variety of paintings, pictures, and other appropriate types of art cleanly and simply.

Why Use a Cable Display System?

Cable display systems have several advantages over other types of display. For starters, there are systems that allow you to hang multiple paintings along a single cable or rod. This not only saves space but lessens damage to your wall compared to beating a nail into the plaster for each picture you would like to hang. This also has the benefit of not restricting you to nailing into studs, as securing the rails on a cable display system will allow you to hang wherever you please along the length of it.

Additionally, cable display systems allow a much greater freedom in what you're able to hang. The rails used in the system are much sturdier than a single nail embedded in the wall, meaning you can hang heavier and larger paintings without fearing that they'll fall off. This is doubly true when combined with the secure hook options offered by one of these systems.

Cable display systems are also a good aesthetic piece to accentuate the look of your art. These systems have a lot more style than just a nail in the wall, emphasizing the number of pieces hung from them while literally and metaphorically anchoring them in place. Display systems come in a variety of materials, as well, meaning it's possible to match the look of your system to your pictures' frames.

How Do You Use a Cable Display System?

If you've purchased your own cable display system, assembly and use are as easy as can be. Start by securing the rail to either the wall or ceiling (depending upon which system you have). It should only take a couple of screws regardless of your wall's material. Once that's done, simply feed the cables or rods that came with the system through one side of the rail and cap the ends once all have been fitted along the rail. Run the hooks along the length of the cable to secure them, after which your system will be ready to support your art.

To find a cable display system that works for your home or gallery, head to Systemic Art to preview a variety of picture hanging systems you may find useful.